#59 Mommy & Daddy Issues w/ Keith Malley

MeMe is honored to have the other half of the Pioneering Pod Duo KATG -> Keith Malley!

From PA to NYC Keet is not in Kansas anymore! | Pod Pioneer Partnerships with Chemda from "Life Partners" to Biz Partners | Growth Through Trauma => Daddy Issues Pod? | "Mommy Issues" Game | Step Daddy Pop Up Quiz aka Keith almost makes MeMe Cry | Speed Round!



Mariana GrajalesComment
#58 Digital Drag meets Politics w/ God's Little Princess

MeMe has a super fun chat with God's Little Princess, aka Princess Panocha, aka Just call her Clark! 

Baby Panocha Drag Journey | Pre Covid Drag Memories | Digital Drag -> Stream Works Queens | Progression of Digital Drag through Quaranteena | Historically Queer Drag Coven Home | Silly Internet show turns Political | Oaklash Highlights | "Kiki, Kai Kai, Pill" | Speed Round!




Mariana GrajalesComment
#57 Medium Popcorn w/ Brandon Collins

MeMe chats with Podcaster, Movie Critic & Comedian Brandon Collins!  

Pod journeys from Comedy Outliers to Medium Popcorn | Becoming a Movie Critic | Podcasting & Event Production Pre vs During Covid | Drunk Black History | "Razzie or Random Oscar?" | Speed Round!

Medium Popcorn

Brandon's Twitter

Mariana GrajalesComment
#56 - One Minute at a Time w/ @Chemda

SOFE comes out of hibernation for the Queen of Podcasting herself: Chemda aka "The Girl" from "Keith and The Girl"!

Radical Hippie, Podcast Pioneer, Business Owner & Medical Miracle Chemda chats with MeMe:  15+ Years of Podcasting with Keith | From the iPod to Spotify, the growth of the Podcasting industry | KATG VIP & OMAT | Tweets from Fans | Health Update | "Puff or Pass" | Speed Round!





#55 Dragcon 2019 w/ Matty Rants + Jakeyonce

MeMe invades Dragcon 2019 & gets her just on with Youtube darlings: Matty Rants + Jakeyonce!

Dragcon run down | Content creating in 2019 | Youtube lyfe | “Go to bed Wig” Youtube edition | “Just the Tip” Dragcon edition

Matty Twitter | Matty IG | Matty Youtube

Jakeyonce Twitter | Jakeyonce IG | Jakeyonce Youtube

Children of More w/ Voodonna Black

After a teeny hiatus, MeMeCherry starts a new season (might as well go with seasons! lol) joined by San Francisco darling: Voodonna Black!

Member of the Legendary House of More | Tips from a Flawless Makeup Qween | Pride season is around the corner! | The Power of the Gay Dollar | What is “Camp”? | “Just the Tip” Game | “Marry-Shag-Pill” Fashion Edition! | “Go to Bed WIG” Drag Race Edition | Speed Round | Say Hi to MeMe @ DragCon LA!

Voodonna IG

Voodonna FB

#53 Gold Standard w/ Willam Belli

MeMe is joined by one of her “Holy Grail” guests: Willam!

Willam, the Patron Saint of Gogo Boys, aka MeMe’s Gold Standard of Drag | Give the doll her E.G.O.T.! | On tour with M&P Hater’s Roast + Peaches Christ’s “Mean Gays” | Youtube shenanigans | Shag/Marry/Kill - Music Albums Edition | “Just the Tip” Game | “Plead the Wig” Game | “Suck Less” reverse game | Speed Round!

Willam Appearance Calendar

Peaches Christ “Mean Gays'“ Tickets

Willam’s IG

Mariana GrajalesComment
#52 "The process continues" w/ Sam Sebastian

MeMe has another return guest: Sam Sebastian!

Most dowloaded show in SOFEpod history | Updates on the progress of “the process” | Transformative Bodywork | Judy Garland Stonewall connection | Chakras quiz

Sam’s FB Page

#25 “Trusting the process” w/ Sam Sebastian

Mariana GrajalesComment
#51 - New Year/New Intro Song w/ Chasma

MeMe’s friend Chasma joins her for this official first episode of 2019!

New Podcast Intro Song from the amazing @AdamJosephMusic | MeMe’s Bday Celebration Thank U’s to Ria (MeMePearl) & The Port Bar | Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions | Getting “Flewd Out” to the “Twerk” Video | Celibacy is the new aesthetic | 90 Day Fiancé aka Train Wreck you can’t look away from | Marriage Bootcamp “Hip Hop Edition” | Soulja Boy “Draaaaake!” | Smash or Pass top 12 Hot Disney Characters | | Urban Movie you would want to see on Broadway | “Go to Bed WIG | “Fyre” Netflix Documentary | 

Adam Joseph Twitter

Mariana GrajalesComment
#50 Adiós 2018 / ¡Hola 2019!
Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more
Mariana GrajalesComment
#49 Shots of Love w/ @ShotWithSoju

MeMe is closing out 2019 with the super sweet, hunny bunny: Soju!

| Traveling #LocalQueen | Baby Soju's journey from Korea to US | Soju's Youtube Show "Shot with Soju" | Making the move from Chicago to LA | Upgraded Shot with Soju Studio thanks to Hey Qween | Dragcon Adventures | Monthly Kpop Party @ Oasis | "Just the Tip" All Stars 4 Edition | Plead the wig | Speed Round | 

Soju's Twitter

Soju's IG

Soju's FB

Mariana GrajalesComment
#48 Return of Jotería w/ Antonio Castellanos

MeMe gets to have a Kiki with dear friend Antonio Castellanos!

| MeMe Life Updates | Rupaul’s Holislay Special Breakdown | Last time on SOFEpod | Jotería project update | Edits & Updates to the game | Learning from the stumbles & embracing the blessings | Taking the game on the road | Would You Rather |

Antonio’s first appearance on the show: #24 "Jotería" W/ Antonio Castellanos | Jotería Oficial | Antonio’s FB | Jotería FB | Joteria IG |

Mariana GrajalesComment
#47 Adventures in GoGo w/ @PapiOmnipotent

The holidays are in the air & MeMe is in the mood to have a fun pod with the super fun & handsome @PapiOmnipotent!

Holiday Doggie Sitting | Adventures in Gogo Dancing | Dancing & Modeling | Social media thirst traps that break IG | For the love of Drag | Fluidity of sexuality | Ms. Dory wants to say hiiieeoouull | Speed Round |

Papi’s IG

Mariana Grajales Comment
#46 Lady Voldemort <A.K.A. Florida Man> Flies again!

MeMeCherry gets to be one of the last stops on Florida Man’s farewell tour AKA till we see her again in the new year! We also get the fun stylings of Mama Celeste as Peanut Gallery AND Game Player!

| “Last time on SOFEpod = Florida Mann” | Developing into a “Garbage Pail Pageant Queen” | Little Miss Monster | Mother Star Search | Post tech lyfe | Prodigal queen heads home | Re-visiting the rabbit hole | Going viral | How Dangerous is it to be this WoMan | The bridges that we build & burn | “Just the Tip” | “Speed Round” | “Go to bed Wig” |

| Florida Elizabeth Man IG |

| Mama Celeste IG |

Mariana Grajales Comment
#45 "Gay is the New Jesus" w/ Finn Deerhart

Another amazing returning guest: Finn Deerhart!

Unexpected feedback from the last time Finn was on SOFEpod from "The Woman" | The humbling effect of being present & real | Survival mode vs SURVIVAL MODE | The Re-emancipation of MeMeCherry | Looking at queer sexuality through a new lens | Finn's work coaching queer men | Boundaries aka learning how to say "No" | Why/How/When do we celebrate "Pride" | Finn's work to help us all drop our "Shame" - Shoutout to @ShameBooth | Gay is the New Jesus | #Authenticity - "White Washed Tombs"| Ministry 2.0 | What is Social Madea talkin' bout | #KavanaughHearings | Shane Dawson's new series "Mind of Jake Paul" | Empathy for self | Make sure to check out Finn's website & leave a comment @ SOFEpod.com


Mariana GrajalesComment
#44 "Doggie Chow, Trimspa & Rainbow Revolutions" w/ April Kidwell

Today MeMe has a blast w/ April Kidwell, aka Nomi in the upcoming "I, Nomi"

We chat about: Being a performer with Peaches Christ Productions| "I'm SO Excited! I'm SOO Exciiiteeed! I'm SO SCARED!" | Baby thespian years | April's work w/ Earthship Homes in Santa Fe, New Mexico & Aguada, Puerto Rico | Bay Area being the current home for so many Racially Tense viral videos (BBQ Becky/Permit Patty/Etc) | Nomi plays "Plead the Wig" | Anna Nicole Smith plays "Showgirls Trivia" & "Go to Bed Wig" | Speedround | Tearing your labia during a pre-show poo | April's #MeToo moment | Stop fighting on the internet & talk to each other! | Go see April at "I, Nomi"!

April's FB | April's IG


#43 #LocalQueen Venus Soleil!

Today MeMe takes soft l's, no hard l's today!  We chat with amazing local queen Venus Soleil:

Theater beginnings as a Venus Fly Trap | NYC living | Origins of a Venus Soleil | For the love of Drag | The pod is haunted once again by the ghost cat | Paco update | #FitnessQueen | Shoutout to The Port Bar! | BBQ Becky + her new boyfriend Lake Jogger | Best songs to celebrate pride Game | Got bed WIG Game | Plead the Wig | Speedround!

Venus' FB

#42 The Return Of Andrea Allan & Emily Lubin! Hot Mess LA Invasion & MeMe's #DragCon Adventures!

Today MeMe has the amazingly hot messes Andrea Allan & Emily Lubin (@HotMessPodcast) make a return visit to the pod!  All the ladies are invading LA as budding media moguls & we all got to gab & get deep from MeMe's amazing room at the Standard Hotel in downtown Los Angeles!

Andrea's adventures as a traveling KATG minion | Hot Mess Technical Issues while banking shows pre LA trip | The weirdness that is the LA "scene" | MeMe's adventures as a media mogul in the making aka first Press Pass to #DragCon #RupaulsDragCon | Transitioning from the VIP experience to the Press Pass level | Female Body Modifications | Dating in 2018 | Kanye or IG Inspiration Post | Plead the wig | Speed round! 

Hot Mess FB | Hot Mess IG



#41 - SF Superstar: Mahlae Balenciaga

Today MeMe is joined by the amazing Mahlae Balenciaga!

Beychella | Cardi B | Drag Race | Mahlae's RPDR Viewing parties | MeMe is invading LA Drag Con this year! | Mahlae's upcoming role in "Steel Dragnolias" | Wendy Williams | #LocalTouringQueen | New Game! Kanye or IG Inspo Post | Plead the wig | Go to bed wig | Speed Round!

Mahlae's FB | Mahlae's IG

#40 "Suspiciously Large Woman" w/ Bob the Drag Queen

The list of illustrious guests gets an amazing gold star on it as @thatonequeen = Bob the Drag Queen joins MeMe to celebrate the one year anniversary of the pod!

Pls excuse the teeny tech issue at front - worth sticking around for | Purse first! | Bob's amazing credits including his current role in Angels in America @ the Berkley Rep Theater | Adjusting to the gender spectrum in the Bay Area's Grinder | "If they can, why can't I?" aka Bob's version of The Secret | The pig roast = The roast of Heklina | Working w/ "Boy-once" aka Todrick Hall | "Suspiciously Large Woman" on Amazon Prime & iTunes = Bob's comedy special, also The first time Bob's dad saw him on stage | The RPDR/Rupaul gender identity controversy | Catch bob's opinions on twitter | The continuous fight against misogyny in the Queer community | We are all born naked & the rest is drag | Trannsiiiiitiiiooooon! The spectrum of the transition journey | One year Anniversary of the Pod!!! | Genesis of Bob The Drag Queen | Kitten w/ a Whip => Bob TDQ | Bob's RHOA intro | Bob as a feat guest on THE TRIXIE & KATYA SHOW | "Let me keep it on" aka season 9 face crack via Valentina | All Stars 3 parties @ The Port Bar | #TeamTrixie | Drag Race viewing parties = Queer football season leading to Gay Superbowl/Drag Race finale | New Games! Word Assoc & Plead the wig | Old school games: Speed Round & Go to bed Wig! | Drag fandom convo = new digital era we live in as fans/performers |
