#44 "Doggie Chow, Trimspa & Rainbow Revolutions" w/ April Kidwell

Today MeMe has a blast w/ April Kidwell, aka Nomi in the upcoming "I, Nomi"

We chat about: Being a performer with Peaches Christ Productions| "I'm SO Excited! I'm SOO Exciiiteeed! I'm SO SCARED!" | Baby thespian years | April's work w/ Earthship Homes in Santa Fe, New Mexico & Aguada, Puerto Rico | Bay Area being the current home for so many Racially Tense viral videos (BBQ Becky/Permit Patty/Etc) | Nomi plays "Plead the Wig" | Anna Nicole Smith plays "Showgirls Trivia" & "Go to Bed Wig" | Speedround | Tearing your labia during a pre-show poo | April's #MeToo moment | Stop fighting on the internet & talk to each other! | Go see April at "I, Nomi"!

April's FB | April's IG