#14 Hot Mess Comedy Podcast - Andrea Allan & Emily Lubin

MeMe is joined by the AMAZING "Hot Mess Comedy Hour" podcast ladies: Andrea Allan & Emily Lubin!  

We also get a legend drop in at the end!

“Nasty Women” Photo project - MeMeCPhoto.com + Hot Mess Comedy Girls

KATG Weekend /Keith Malley’s standup/24 hour marathon

What does the chemistry between Andrea & Emily taste like? Cayenne Dulce de leche

Dealing w/ exes on soc media

Using social media stalking in healthy ways…?

Is Facebook a viable promotional tool for artists? Twitter? Social media in general?

A podcast legend crashes the podcast!!! Chemda from KATG

Navigating the comedy scene as ladies

Look at youz - “Look at huh + This is your soc media”

Speed Round!!!

Jerome (the artist formerly known as Newsy) & Hennessy join in from the peanut gallery!

Andrea’s rise in the empire by killing off Chemda = KATG.com/ChemdaIsDead